Tuesday, September 30, 2008


1.My stance on abortion is Pro-Life. My three reasons why are when you get an abortion you are killing the baby because I believe life begins at conception, people that are having sex won't take responsibility for their actions and just get an abortion, and I think that abortion shouldn't be your first option if u aren't ready for a child you can still give it up for adoption. People should really think before they have sex because there is a big responsibility that come with it, and they should prevent getting pregnant by using condoms or taking pills.

2."Opponents believe the foetus is never anything other than human from conception, and therefore has a right to life from this time."

3.I agree with this statement because i believe that life begins at conception. Therefore when you get an abortion you are taking the baby's life away. That's why i believe that abortion is wrong and should be illegal.

4."Most people start their consideration of abortion from the standpoint that it would be better not to abort a foetus than to abort it."

5.I agree with this statement because you can give the baby to adoption than to abort it. Abortion shouldn't be your first choice. I also believe that it would be better not to abort the foetus than to abort it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Powerful Pictures

This picture shows a person flying in the air with wings and he looks like he's an airplane. The message in this picture is humans can do anything even fly. I can relate to this picture because one day i would like to fly like the man in this picture.