Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Views on Euthanasia

I think Euthanasia is a good way to ending a person's life. Like in the story "Of Mice and Men" Geroge shot Lennie with a luger in the back of the head and Lennie didn't feel a thing. It was quick and painless and George did it for the right reasons even though it's kind of intimidating the thought of you getting shot in the back of the head. Even though euthanasia is banned in only some places I think it's not cool that someone gets to deside your own fate for you. Maybe they should implement a new law that says that only family members can decide to do euthanasia on a person. If you were to do euthanasia on a person I think you would have to live with that appendage with you for your whole life. Maybe that person would go insane just like the way people that go to war do. Euthanasia has some exceptions like the man who killed his whole family. I would't have killed my children maybe they had hopes and dreams and wanted to live life. Maybe he should've gotten help or something maybe get a new job. But I do think that euthanasia is a legitamite way of ending a person because it's quick and painless.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Mercy" Killing?

1. Reflecting on Of Mice and Men

a.Explain George's perspective for what he did to Lennie.

I think George did what was best for Lennie. If george wouldn't have killed him maybe Lennie would have suffered even more. Maybe George didn't want to kill him but he had to do what was best for Lennie. Even though maybe Lennie wouldn't of wanted that way I think that George made the right decision.

b.Do you think that was the best thing to do for Lennie?

 Yes I think that was the best for Lennie. If Curley would've gotten to him he would've suffered a lot. It was best for Lennie to die. Even though he never got to tend the rabbits.

2. Father in Italy Accused of Murder

a.Using a "quote" to support your response, explain the father's reasons for what he did.

"Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish."

It was his daughters wish so I think he did what was best for her. Its says that his daughter told him that she would much rather be dead than be kept alive artificially. If that were me I would've liked it better if they killed me sooner than be kept alive that long.

b. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain if that was the best thing to do for the daughter.

 That was the best he could do for his daughter in my opinion. If you were to put yourself in her place you wouldn't want to be kept alive that way so I think what he did for his daughter was best. Since it was her wish for it to be that way it was the best thing to do for her.

c.Do you agree or disagree with what the father did? Why?

I agree with what the father did. If i was in his place I wouldn't like to see my daughter like that suffering. Even though he had to kill his own daughter I agree with what he did because she wasn't really alive she was just being kept alive artifically.

3.Man Kills Family after Losing his Job

a.There would have been many things going through that mans mind. Not being able to support his family and that's the mans job of the familly. Not giving his children the life he wanted for them or his wife. He might have been going crazy. Because in the end he ended up killing himself and his family.

b.One way parents can support thier children and does not require money is loving them. I think that is the most important thing a parent can give to thier children. For the children to succeed in life I think the parent should be there and support them in anything they do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lord of the Flies

1.Micael Jordan would make a good Ralph because he make a good leader.
2.He always led his team to victory and if he played Ralph he would lead his tribe to victory.
3.If Michael would play Ralph he would try to establish order and focus on getting rescued.
4.I think he would make a good actor.
5.In the end of the story Ralph has to survive by himself and i think Jordan would do that easily.

1.Dr. Evil(Mike Myers) would make a good Jack because he plays the villain in his movies.
2.Just like Jack is the leader of the hunters Dr. Evil will make a good leader.
3.Jack wants to be the leader and doesn't want to follow anyone else's rules just like Dr. Evil and how he wants to take over the world.
4.He would make a good Jack because he likes to control other people.
5.Lastly i think he would easily be able to portray the role of the bad guy in the story.

1.Jonah Hill would make a good Piggy because he kinda looks like the actor that plays Piggy in the movie.
2.Just like Piggy gets no respect people don't respect Jonah in some movies hes played.
3.He often plays the roles of nerds in movies and he would make a good Piggy.
4.He would be able to get rideculed over and over again just like Piggy did by the hunters.
5.Jonah gets pushed around by bullys in other movies just like Piggy got ridiculed by the other boys.

1.I think James Franco would make a good Simon because he is funny.
2.In the story Simon is boring and shy and if James Franco were to play Simon i think that character would be more fun.
3.Lastly I think He would make a good Simon because he is one of my favorite actors.

1.I chose Alpacino as Roger because he is a good killer.
2.He would make a good Roger because he's cool and a very good actor.
3.And my last reason is that I think Scarface and Dr. Evil would work well together just like Jack and Roger did in the movie.


1.My story would take place in the ghetto so it can be scarier.
2.Instead of them all working together to get off the island they will have to kill each other until theres 1 person left remaining.
3.In the end they will find out that they weren't really stuck out there by them selves they were just being PUNK"D.